With Allan Pease, body language expert
When I started really getting involved in the coaching world, I began learning a lot about non-verbal communication. And Allan Pease has always been the number 1 person in the world in that field. So I read a lot of Allan’s books and I implemented a lot of his techniques.
One time I was invited to an event in Moscow where Allan Pease was giving a speech. I also managed to get myself invited to the VIP dinner that they had after the event. At the dinner I introduced myself to Allan as the only foreigner in the room except him. And we found out that we had a common friend in London who is a very large organizer of events.
I tried to stay in touch with Allan and see what value I could offer him. But the only way I could be of help was to update him on the great PR that he was getting here in Moscow. Every couple of months I sent him a friendly email saying “Wow, I just saw a huge billboard of you!”, “Allan, I just read an amazing article about you!” etc. This is how I followed up, just finding ways to compliment him.
“Allan remembered who I was through the emails that I kept on sending him. They helped him stay motivated knowing how many people like him in Russia”.
In November 2015 I learned that Allan and I would be speakers at the same event. And when I met him there, I was very pleased to know that he remembered who I was through the emails that I kept on sending him. During the lunch he thanked me for sending these to him. They helped him stay motivated knowing how many people like him in Russia.
Don’t miss out on this dynamic and useful video where Allan Pease explains what our handshakes mean and how to understand other people’s thoughts by their gestures: